▪ FBE Limited LLC Family Office formed
▪ Partner of Olympia & York, Legendary NY Real Estate Investors
Deeply rooted in the history of the family office*, Opus provides multi-manager solutions including with managers that are hard to access, often because they are closed to new investors and/or hard to discover.
Newly SEC-registered in 2021, Opus Investment focuses on pursuing superior risk-adjusted returns and preservation of capital.
*NOTE: FBE Limited LLC (“FBE”), referred to above as the family office, formed Opus Investment Management LLC (“Opus Investment”), which registered with the SEC in 2021 as an investment adviser, and Opus Capital Management LLC (“Opus Capital”) in 2003, hereafter collectively referred to as “Opus” to manage the Opus private investment funds (the “Opus Funds”). Opus Capital is the Administrative Manager to the Opus Funds. Opus Capital is responsible for all of the Opus Funds’ administrative matters, such as accounting, net asset value calculations, reporting, investor relations, and marketing. Opus Investment is the investment manager to the Opus Funds. Opus Investment is managed and supervised on an overall basis by its management committee (the “Management Committee”). The Investment Committee for the Opus Investment Fund-of-Funds Division (the “Fund-of-Funds Investment Committee”) makes all investment decisions and decides on all investment allocation and re-allocation determinations for the Opus Funds, which decisions are carried out by the Opus Investment Fund-of-Funds Division (the “Fund-of-Funds Division”) executive officers in their respective roles. For additional information about Opus committees and the professional team, see the Our Team page of this website. Please see important additional disclosures in the Disclaimer section of this website.
2010 - 2021
Years Alternatives
Commitment to
Years Average
Investor Tenure
▪ As Wealth Increases, Needs for Diversification Change
▪ While Scalable Ability to Source, Diligence, Monitor Investments is Often Constrained
▪ Seamless Extension: Sharing Our Institutional Capabilities, Infrastructure & Resources
▪ Education, Presentations to Boards, Investment Committees
▪ Real-time Interaction: Practical, Effective & Customized Communications
▪ Dynamic, Nimble, Anticipatory & Responsive
Note: by Affiliated Family Office, FBE: FBE established, invested and maintained relationships with underlying managers for itself and established Opus to provide such services for clients separately from its own investments for Opus to have the ability to benefit in its own right. FBE continues to invest separately and distinctly for itself. Opus has been investing in alternatives since inception in 2003.